Shrewsbury International School Bangkok


– One school 2 campuses; Riverside Campus and City Campus.

Popularity is skyrocketing


Riverside,City Campus


Shrewsbury International School has two day school campuses in Bangkok, Thailand. Shrewsbury Bangkok Riverside, established in 2003, provides comprehensive education for over 2,300 boys and girls aged 3 -18 years old and is regarded as the leading international school in Thailand. Benefiting from this experience, Shrewsbury Bangkok City Campus, opened in 2018, is a specialised primary school campus for children aged 2-11 years. Students who complete their primary education at Shrewsbury Bangkok City Campus are guaranteed a place at the sought-after Shrewsbury Bangkok Riverside campus for their secondary education

With the addition of Riverside’s Senior School with world-class facilities opened in 2021, Shrewsbury is poised to continue its stellar record of providing outstanding teaching and learning and creating pathways to the world’s top universities.

Both Shrewsbury Bangkok City Campus and Riverside offer an inspirational education based on the English National Curriculum. Both campuses operate a selective admissions process, as outlined in their shared Mission Statement and School Values. All students benefit from top-class facilities and the support and guidance of exceptional teachers, recruited mainly from the UK.

Shrewsbury International School Bangkok nurtures a genuine passion for learning. Students who graduate from Senior School at Shrewsbury Bangkok Riverside Campus are equipped with internationally recognised IGCSE and A level qualifications that continuously provide the gateway to the world’s leading universities and colleges – including the elite ‘Ivy League’ and ‘Oxbridge’ institutions. In 2023, Shrewsbury Bangkok Riverside Campus was among the world’s highest achieving schools, attaining some fantastic results. Seventy-seven percent of of IGCSE exams taken by Shrewsbury students were awarded either A* or A grade. Meanwhile, 57% of A-level exams achieved either an A* or A grade.

An extensive programme of co-curricular activities is offered for children aged five and above. At the same time, senior school students at Shrewsbury Bangkok Riverside can also develop their interests and represent the school in elite-level excellence programmes in sports, music, and the performing arts.

Education Environment and Teachers


All staff must obtain QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) from the UK Department for Education. A minimum of three years of teaching experience is required, along with a clean criminal record, appropriate mindset, attitude, behavior, professional standards, and a passion for educating and nurturing young children, as well as possessing a positive personality.


The children in this setting exhibit remarkable happiness and confidence. They welcome change, new surroundings, and unfamiliar faces with ease and without apprehension. They actively ask questions, possess strong social skills, and curiosity, and hold a deep appreciation for themselves and those around them.


The school takes pride in its impressive staff retention rate, with many teachers dedicating themselves to conducting educational activities here for many years, reflecting a positive work environment. The school environment and facilities are specially designed to suit the age of the students, offering a warm and cozy atmosphere where children feel safe and secure. Despite being located in the urban area of Bangkok. it is surrounded by expansive green spaces.

Graduates and University Destinations

Shrewsbury International School Bangkok is renowned as one of the top 5 premium international schools in Thailand and Asia. Graduates attain both high academic and holistic success, leading to achievements in life and beyond. All of our students goes to world’s leading universities mostly top 50 or top 100.


Very interesting !


The first student who graduated and went on to Cambridge University has returned to the school as a biology teacher. What a wonderful story! Wanting to work at your alma mater is a testament to the joy experienced during school days.

Annually, counselors visit universities located in different parts of the world and conduct interviews with graduates who have enrolled in universities there.They aim to gather information on what support was helpful and identify any additional support needed. This process allows them to update their knowledge and advice, getting closer to providing perfect guidance!

This school has won the second position in the World Robotics Competition!
During a school tour, I witnessed students around 10 years old manipulating small balls with chips attached, using iPads. It was too high-tech for me to fully grasp, but the classes seemed cutting-edge!This school starts teaching DT Design Technology from Junior school for both campuses.

The school is managed by the board of governors and it has a high retention rates among teaching staff. Most staff stay teaching in school for many years, ensuring continuity in teaching and learning, positive relationship with students and parents, and reflecting positive workplace environment and well-being among staff.

I was impressed by the meticulous consideration given to details, such as using earth-coloured toys to avoid overstimulating preschoolers with flashy colours._Students participate in events related to volunteering and donations, and they learn responsibility through various roles and duties. It seems there are many opportunities to be recognised for their efforts. Such experiences can build confidence through a variety of successes! The educational environment prioritises student well-being, which is wonderful.

Popularity is skyrocketing

Shrewsbury Bangkok Riverside Campus Overview

School Name
Shrewsbury International School Bangkok Riverside Campus 
Home page
Year of founding2003
CurriculumNational Curriculum of England, IGCSE, A-Level
Student populationApproximately 2,000 students
Grade/Age levelEY1 – Year 13 / Ages: 3 – 18 
English SupportAvailable
Nationalities Thai 70%
International 30%(40 different nationalities)
Average class sizeApproximately 20 – 25 per class,
depending on year group size. 
School TourAvailable:Show the logo of our website.
Online admission testPermissible olnly under special circumstances.
dmission testShow the logo of our website. Discounts may be available!
Free trial Not available
Foreign language classesFrench, Mandarin, Spanish, and Japanese
Visa SupportIssue necessary documents

More Details

Extra Curricular

Over 500 co-curricular starting from Year 1. Participation in at least one weekly activity is mandatory for students from Year 3 and above.

Students Nationalities

Currently, our student body is comprised of 40 nationalities. 

Teachers Nationalities

Mostly British

Required English Level

English proficiency must meet the level required to follow the English National Curriculum for the appropriate age group. While some students may receive additional EAL support, all subjects are taught in mixed classes without a separate stream for EAL learners.


A hub of dynamic activities, Songkran, Waikru, Loy Krathong, and more, along with sports competitions and musical performances, enriches student life and allows them to thrive both academically and personally.

Class Schedule

From Year 1 and above, a 6-period day for all students. (7:30 to 2:40/2:45). After school activities follow in 2 sessions from 3-4, or 4-5 pm. 


Assessment tests include face-to-face element / interview (possibly via video call). Developmental focus (i.e. “school readiness”) for youngest entrants. English and Maths in Junior School. Cognitive tests from age 7 upwards. Subject tests for A level entry.


As the name shows, it’s located along the river, providing a relaxed learning environment. What’s interesting is that there are three commuting options: by boat, train, and car!

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Introducing Shrewsbury Riverside campus on YouTube


Shrewsbury Bangkok City Campus Overview

School Name

Shrewsbury International School Bangkok City Campus
Home page
Year of founding2018
CurriculumBritish Curriculum (National Curriculum of England)
Student populationApproximately 550 students
Grade/Age levelNursery to Year 6 (2-11 years old)
English SupportAvailable
Nationalities Thai students70%
International students30%
Average class sizeNursery, Early Years 1,2 = 12 students/class
Years 1-2 = 20 students/class
Years 3-6 = 22 students/class
School Touravailable
Online admission testPermissible only under special circumstances.
Free trial Not available
Foreign language classesThai and Mandarin
Visa SupportIssue necessary documents
2024. Edit

More Details

Extra Curricular

ECA at Shrewsbury International School Bangkok City Campus is called “You-Time

Students Nationalities

70% Thai and 30% foreigners

Teachers Nationalities

94% British, 2% American and Europeans for Specialist Subjects, 2% Native
speakers of Mandarin and Thai

Required English Level

English proficiency must meet the level required to follow the English National Curriculum for the appropriate age group. While some students may receive additional EAL support, all subjects are taught in mixed classes without a separate stream for EAL learners.


Cultural events such as Songkran, Waikru, Loy Krathong, Christmas,International Day events such as Peace Day, International Mother Language Day,
World Book Week, Pride Month
.Sports Events such as Sports Day, House Swimming Competition, FOBISIA,
Competitions between other schools
Charity Events such as Charity Run SafeChild Thailand, Art Gala Auction,



  • Nursery, Early Years1and 2: Assessments involve observations and interviews conducted by teachers, often with parental participation.
  • Year 1 to Year 2: The child undergoes a 30-45 minute one-on-one assessment by teachers, covering reading, phonics, mathematics, and English writing.
  • Year 3 to Year 6: The process includes age-appropriate cognitive tests and a one-on-one assessment in Mathematics and English (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), conducted by teachers,


It’s conveniently located near the expat-heavy areas of Phrom Phong and Asoke, making it easy for foreigners to commute.

Introducing Shrewsbury International School Bangkok City Campus on YouTube.

Very useful

Tuition Simulation

Initial costs are additional

The first year Tuition

The second year tuition

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