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Admission Process and Our Service


Providing empathetic support

Providing empathetic support, we offer personalized, top-tier proposals for each individual customer. Criteria for selecting an international school vary widely based on the child’s age, personality, English proficiency, preferences, budget, and residential area. In our company, we conduct thorough interviews with customers to understand their needs, and from the multitude of options available, we will suggest the most suitable school and plan. We strive to make sure that the realization of the desired school or support is a collaborative endeavor that closely aligns with the wishes of our customers and their families.

Ensuring Peace of mind through Dual Support

Ensuring Peace of mind through Dual Support

Flexible and Swift assistance form our bases in Japan and Bangkok While our company is based in Kyoto Prefecture, we provide flexible and prompt support with coordinators based in Bangkok for school tours and car charter servicesWe can assist with school tour applications and enrollment procedures up to two weeks in advance. Moreover, we maintain regular communication with each school, building a foundation of trust, enabling us to respond flexibly. It is precisely because of our company’s presence that we can offer support to confidently start a new life in Bangkok, Thailand.

Thank you ❤︎

Customer Reviews and a proven track record

Most of our new customers have come to us based on recommendations, reviews from our existing clients, and referrals. Despite refraining from engaging in any advertising efforts beyond our company’s website and social media presence, we still receive numerous inquiries and consultation requests from customers on a daily basis. We have been actively involved in supporting various families and businesses. Looking ahead, we are committed to enhancing and improving our services even further to guarantee your utmost satisfaction.

Earlier is better !

Steps for enrollment or transfer process

1,Gathering of information      

1、Budget ( Please refer to the tuition fee ranking page for guidance).

Here are the key points ro consider:

1,Gradual Tuition Fee Increases with Grade Advancement: Tuition fees typically increase with each successive grade level.
2,Annual Tuition Fee Adjustments: Tuition fees undergo annual evaluations, with potential increases ranging from 5% to 10%.
3,Influence of Exchange Rates: Fluctuations in exchange rates can impact tuition fees.
4,Additional Costs for Club Activities: Engaging in extracurricular club activities may incur additional expenses, such as overseas trips.

2、Let’s know about the location!

✔︎Let’s know about the location!

✔︎For kindergarten and the early years of elementary school, we recommend a place close to home. Consider factors like shared commutes with other families, and accounting for potential delays such as traffic jams.

✔︎Some people opt for schools accessible via the BTS as it enables junior high school students and older to commute independently.

3, Let’s check the details of the school.

Let’s know about the location!

✔︎Curriculum and the potential for admission to an Ivy League institution, academic achievements
✔︎School cpacity and clas sizes
✔︎Students’ nationalities
✔︎Availability of foreign staff members for every nationality, amopng other factors
✔︎Bangkok Inter requires Thais language classes. Details such as frequency per week are important to note.

4, ▶︎It may be good to take counseling and make a decision after listening to the professional opinion. There are many Bangkok international schools, so I think there are things that can’t be decided just by the information on the Internet. It’s an important decision, so please consult us if you have any questions or concerns.

Let’s discuss counseling!

✔︎Your child’s personality
✔︎Their hobbies, subjects they are good at, and preferences
✔︎Future aspirations for higher education and planned duration of stay
✔︎The hope of both parent and the child
After considering all these factors, I will recommend the most suitable school for your cildren.

2,More details    

As you start to narrow down your choices for the school tour, you might find yourself with more questions and concerns.In such a case, please refer to Consultation Support

6months agoー2weeks ago

3,School Tour 

Once you have decided which school to visit, make a reservation for a school tour. Particularly at sought-after institutions, available slots tend to fill up swiftly. Therefore, making reservations well in advance is highly recommended. If you’re visiting with your children, it’s important to schedule the school tour during the initial part of your visit, reserving the latter half for any required admission tests. Some schools don’t administer online exams, and the logistics involved in returning to Thailand solely for the test can be both financially and temporally burdensome. Moreover, transitioning to a new country and lifestyle can be stressful for both parent and child, potentially affecting performance during exams conducted after immigrating. Additionally, managing a child’s education while at home full-time can pose challenges.Applying for admission at the last minute runs the risk of classes being already filled, potentially resulting in rejection.

6months agoー2weeks ago

4,Admission test preparation  

6months agoー2weeks ago

5, Admission application and procedures     

After passing the test, it’s time to proceed with the admissions application. Submit the necessary documents along with the specified amount indicated on the invoice. Normally, transfers are carried out using overseas remittances or credit cards. However, we strongly advise transferring the amount through a mobile application called [insert app name] due to the increasing number of applicants using this platform.

6months agoー2weeks ago


very exciting❤︎

7,Moving to Thailand

8,Start of Classes

Very popular service!

Online School Counseling

We’ll share the real local sentiments and voices that are conveyed through word of mouth and are not accessible online.If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Takes only 5 min!

Please participate in the survey !

Parents with children enrolled at Bangkook International School are kindly requested to participate in the survey.

