オンラインカウンセリング オンラインカウンセリング

Discover the best-fit school for your child!Our popular features include tuition rankings and fee simulations. We provide ‘real reputations’ based on information from schools, as well as feedback from individuals attending international schools in Bangkok.

The best school out of 150 schools!?

Features for International Schools in Bangkok, Thailand

Primary and secondary are very different !

Choosing from Age and Grade Level

Getting more expensive every year !

Choosing from Tuition

British curriculum are popular!

Choosing from Curriculum

Different atmospheres!

Choosing from School Size

Location is instantly visible!

Choosing from Location

The numbers are arranged in order of tuition rankings. Tap on a number to reveal the school name and navigate to the school page for more information.”

Very popular service

Online school counseling

“Discover the best school for your child through our online school counseling service.

Taking only 5 min!

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Parents whose children are enrolled Internationals Schools are kindly requested to take part in the survey.

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